Monday 29 October 2018

Agnes Grey

By Anne Brontë

"I should like to be a governess." 

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Before reading the book, I did not know what a governess is. However, the author give a very good explanation of what is to be a governess. Moreover, through the Anne Bronte's eyes, I could experience being a governess while I was reading. This was the reading that I like the less because I did not like the ending of the story; I would have written a diferent ending, for it is cliché and predictable. The ending is as all chauvanistic endings in which a woman gets married and that is he "happily ever after."

The author also shows the education children received in higher classes. Parents were barly with the children, for they spent most of the time with their governess, and for parents, it was most important to attend to tea parties or social events than spending time with their children at that time.
The Lady's Yes

By Elizabeth Barret Browning

"Yet the sin is on us both
time to dance is not to woo"

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This poem shows that to claim you love a person you might be sure of it due to the fact that the girl in the poem is struggling with the fact that at night she loved a guy; however, in the morning,  he rethought about it and she said no, she is not in love. Normally, we say words that we don't truly feel because of the place or because we are having a good time, and our emotions mixed. Hence, this poem emphasizes this fact that she realizes she does not love him, but it is ok, for it is better to be sure of honest about what we feel.

              The Strange Case of  Dr Jekyll 
                         and Mr Hyde
  By Robert Louis Stevenson

All human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil: and Edward Hyde, alone, in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil 

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I consider this as my favorite story because i do believe that human beings have their good and bad side and both fight against each other to be in the light. However, we cannot control our bad part.

There is evil in all us and this evil is also part of ourselves. In the readind Dr Jenkill wanted to discover this part, but at the end he cannot control it. This is our shadow that we hide from the rest of the world. A part of us that we hide and do not show.

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Porphyria's Lover 
by Robert Browning

"Porphyria worshipped me; surprise 
Made my heart sweel, and still it grew"

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True love make people lose their minds, and perhaps, this crazy feeling can lead to obssesion and dependency. Also, love make people do crazy things that later they might regret. This poem seems to be pretty dark, for the love described it follows a dark path. The men seems to be obesssed with her that even when she is dead he performed inimaginable acts with her. This poem, I consider, shows the fact that loving can lead to madness, and for some this madness is understood as true love. 

A Man's Requirements

By Elizabeth Barret Browning

"Thus,if thou wilt prove me, Dear, Woman's love no fable.
I will love thee-half a year- As a man is able"

Resultado de imagen para my last duchess

Women in Victorian times were considered as inferior if they are compared to men. They did not have the chance to give their opinios or ideas, even telling their likes and dislikes. In this poem, women are shown as an object that can be sold to men, for women have to fullfill all the requirements to get married. When men choose a wife, they not only have to look pretty to be selected by them but also be perfect as men want them to be. I believe that due to the fact the author is a woman, she criticizes in a sacarstic manner, the way women were treated in this period.