Thursday 15 November 2018

The Study of Scarlet
by Arthur Conan Doyle

“No man burdens his mind with small matters unless he has some very good reason for doing so.” 

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This was my first time I read a book of Sherlock Holmes, for I have seen him in movies, and I really like him. However, books are much better than movies, and I love books that are based on a Crime. In my opinion, Sherlock Holmes is almost a God; his intelligence goes beyond everyone. He can solve a cases and cases. At the beginning I wanted to know who the killer was, so I tried to read information on the internet, but I kept on reading and I found the answer; I could not have imagined. This book represents the Gothic approach because is misterious and its setting is dark. Today, I undestand the reason people in Victorian times enjoy reading about Sherlock Holmes.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Guanga Din

By Rudyard Kipling

"He was ‘Din! Din! Din!
   ‘You limpin’ lump o’ brick-dust, Gunga Din!"

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This poem caught mi attentio becuase through the narration I was able to feel what Guanga Din felt when people screamed at him. This poem shows that the best human beings in this earth do not seek for revenge as Jesus said " “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. 29 To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic[a] either."Luke 6:27-29 English Standard Version (ESV). He loved their enemies and gave his life for them.


By Rudyard Kipling

"If you can dream --and not to make dreams your master"

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The poem was difficult for me to undestand, but after reading it plenty of time I was able to undestand it. This poem shows the ideal man, a man that is mostly perfect that do good and no harm. That loves his enemies and always give the best to other people.

The virtues we as human beings try to achieve, but it is almost impossible that a man can have all these ones because that may show perfection and nobody is perfect in this world. I do believe that one man was perfect and achieve this virtues his name is Jesus.
Dracula's Guest

By Bran Stoker

"In fact she wants me to advise you if possible to give up the tea and the very late hours."

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Before reading the story I had the idea that Dracula was the evil one in the stories. However, in this story, he is not a bad guy he saved and helped the man that wolf wanted to eat. For me, it is complicated to see Dracula as the good guy because through time movies,books have shown Dracula as the bad guy. Hence, this story totally changes the perspective that I have through my life.
The Signal Man

By Charles Dickens

" 'I was sitting here, when I heard a voice cry, 'Halloa! Below there!' ... The voice seemed hoarse with shouting, and it cried, 'Look out! Look out!''

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This story really gave me shiverings becuase when the professor was narrating I could imagine myself in the place. At the beggining I did not that it was a Ghost, but at the end I realize that the story was refering to a Ghost. This story was very misterious and scary at the same time. I oncsider Charles Dickens is amazing and an incredible writer and this is a master piece.