Monday 10 September 2018

 Break, Break, Break
by Alfred Lord Tennyson

"Break, Break, Break
     To their haven under the hill"

When you lose someone you love, you feel that your heart breaks a little. This poem was created by the author when his friend Arthur Henry Hallan passed away. As the author sees the sea and some thoughts come to their mind. In this case, I consider that he starts remembering his friend, and all the moments he spent with him. In fact, the memories and thoughts are the only ones which remain when a person passed away.

It is interesting what it says in stanza 4 line 3-4 "But the tender grace of a day that is dead will never come back to me" I understand this part of the poem and I agree with it because as the tender grace of a day will never come back the time or moments you spend with a beloved person wil never come back. For this reason, we should live the present with the people we love as if it were the last day of our lives.

Image result for break break break

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