Monday 10 September 2018

The Importance of Being Earnest
 Author: Oscar Wilde

Resultado de imagen para the importance of being earnest
  At the beginning, it was difficult to undertsand the play; so I had to read the play two times and listen to the audio book. After, I watched the movie, and then I could get the idea of the play, so I enjoyed it. There were many words that I have not seen before, but I got the meaning by context. A problem that I had was that my classmates saw the comedy play as a comedy and they laugh or said they laugh while reading it. However, I did not laugh at any time, even I consider this play not to be a comedy. I guess my sense of humor is different from the rest or I did not understand the jokes.

I compared this text with the theory by Jung that talks about the persona, for the persona is the different masks people wear. In this play, the male characters invent a ficticious character as a mask that they wear to be other person and do aspects that they normally cannot perform. Also, I did a research about the author, and I realized that he was gay. For this reason, I think the play may be related to part of his life. In the victorian era, homosexual people were not well seen, so I believe the author had to have two different lives or made up names to hide the reality. Resultado de imagen para the importance of being earnest

Last, I analyzed the role of women on the play. I realized that women at a young age were thinking about getting married, and had to obey their parents. Sadly, in the text, the only aspiration that women had was marring and becoming a wife of a man call earnest because "of course the only thing that matters when you marry someone is the last name" (sarcasm). To finish, women had to look good all the time even though they had to wear uncomfortable clothes. 

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