Monday 10 September 2018

The Lady of Shalott

Image result for lady of shalott

   The lady of Shalott narrates the story of a woman that is cursed. Hence, she is imprisoned in a tower, and she cannot see anything through the window only through a mirror. However, when a man walked by near the tower, she saw him through the window and the mirror broke; by looking at the window, the curse came upon her.
   The lady of Shalott lived all her life in the tower, and respecting the curse  looking at Camelot through the mirror. However, for a knight, she did not care about the curse and looked through the window. Sometimes, we live our lives in a tower looking a the mirror wanting to see beyond, but we are so affraid of the risks (the curse) that we don't see through the window because is too risky. However, there is always something o someone that makes us forget about all the risks (curse) and we forget all the risks (curse), and we look through the window; we do not care the consecuences of our acts due to the fact that thing or person is worth it. This lyrical ballad showed me that if the person is worth it, the risks do not matter.

"I am half sick of shadows" said the Lady of shadows

Image result for lady of shalott

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